Taiwanese-English Dictionary

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Results for ""su"":

Taiwanese English Translation
sususu transport, convey, hand in, submit, lose (a game, contest)
sususu army, a division in the Chinese army, master, teacher, tutor, to pattern or model after another
sususu think, contemplate, consider, remember, to recall, memory, mourn, grieve, admire, pine for
sususu need, have to, must, require, demand, necessity
sususu private, personal, person-to-person, secret, clandestine, have illicit relations or an affair with, contraband, prejudice, to favor, selfish, selfishly, reproductive organs of both sexes
súsúsù use, employ, make, to act, to cause
súsúsù history, chronicles, annals
súsúsù hot, heat, summer heat, mid-summer
sùsùsû bestow, confer upon an inferior, to grant
sùsùsû forgive, show mercy, to excuse
sùsùsû extremely, excessively, to indulge in, reckless, without restraint, to use to the utmost, exhaust, arrange
sùsùsû be anxious, think
sûsûsǔ words, phrase, expressions, to talk, speak or tell, a part of speech (grammar)
sûsûsǔ temple, shrine, ancestral hall
sûsûsǔ inherit, succeed to, continue, follow
sūsūsū scholar, gentleman, officer, soldier
sūsūsū official, enter government service, serve the government
sūsūsū affair, matter, undertaking, business, job, occupation, task, service, duties, functions, subject, serve, attend, manage a business
sūsūsū sequence of events, order, a preface, a foreword, introduction
sūsūsū end of a thread or string, clue, beginning
sūsūsū worship, offer sacrifices to
sūsūsū islet, island
sūsūsū public office, write down, put down
sūsūsū resemble, seem, like, as if

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