Taiwanese-English Dictionary

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Results for ""pi"":

Taiwanese English Translation
pipibi kind of louse
pipibi sound of a whistle
pipibi grief, sympathy, sad, sorrowful, dolorous, mournful, to lament, deplore, to pity mourn, sympathize
pipibi low, debased, depraved, vile, humble, inferior, yielding, a modest expression referring to oneself
pipibi large stone tablet, monument, tombstone
pípíbì compare, collate, classify, to sort, to compete, each, every, even, close, near, to stand side by side, neighboring
pípíbì deceased mother
pìpìbî secret, mysterious, abstruse, hidden, confidential, unknown, private
pìpìbî seep out, gush forth, excrete, secrete
pìpìbî hide, conceal, to harbor, protect, to screen, to shelter
pìpìbî close, shut, block up, top, obstruct
pìpìbî benumbed, (a hand or foot) asleep
pìpìbî the arms (of human being, a tool, machine)
pîpîbǐ spleen, temper, disposition
pîpîbǐ classifier for banana or fish roe
pīpībī prepare, provide, put in order, to complete, ready, prepared, complete, entire, all, whole
pīpībī female slave, a maid servant
pīpībī placed before verbs to show a passive voice, sigh of the passive, suffer, be the object of, to cover
pīpībī avoid, shun, evade, to hide, flee from, have nothing to do with

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